Sunday, September 4, 2011

How to overcome the "creative impasse»

With the advent of the Internet, increasing the flow of information around us has tens or hundreds of times, but remained a niche, preserved and not touched by the distorted reality. Changes not only supplies, but also words and concepts. Some of the concepts originally established something one over time began to refer to completely different.

Strategy or technique, adopted to manage time and daily activities in a more efficient way.
In fact, the desire to simplify everything and refine all that don't even require that.

Originally lajfhak offers elegant, beautiful and interesting solution for boring and uninteresting tasks. Now all is simplified to the extent that simplification is a cult that poison the life. As the saying goes: "Scho ALE something nezdravo".

People call themselves insane number of plug-ins in browsers, jump from one system time to another, constantly apgrejdat their lives. Often, we jump with some brands on the other, trying to find something new and useful. Real lajfhak does not require technical improvements. It requires human decisions.

Originally Zen is for Japanese Buddhism, way to understand and appreciate its nature and soul through meditation and reflection, this is the path to enlightenment and education.

In fact, it is fashionable for universal simplification, chill-out area.

This word, Zen, and very often not until the end of a long time abused by knowing it is a value and its value has become a very different meaning. The originator of the concept of transformation, Zen became Leo Bebota, and he used its value correctly, but once people began adding to the word suffixes (zenned zenning down my life, etc.), it was simplistic term. Zentoday "means" refers to all and neither good nor bad, be an observer, relax and float downstream.

The concept of Zen is used everywhere in the new its importance and in Web design and business strategies, eating, personality development etc. The value that was originally changed to such an extent that it implies much more than just a Word, this is whole course.

Style or technique (such as music, literature, or design), which is characterized by extreme moderation and simplicity. In reality-minimalism for minimalism and justify it all and all. Can be applied to subjects, sites, applications, tools, etc.

People who do not want to strain in life believe that live in minimalist style, because it's a lot of it is not necessary. But, as with the term "Zen", meaning of the term has changed beyond recognition. This word is used so frequently and in such different meanings that the true value is left far behind, so far as to have hard to remember that this notion was itself originally.

Originally meant to balance mental and emotional stability.
Become a sense that is thrown when goals in all aspects of life.

Balance due to the varieties of life situations could not be achieved even on the shortest possible time. People are constantly striving to achieve life balance, but it's just attempts without the right to exercise and no more.

If a person says that his life is balanced, it has reached the balance, actually it means that he is satisfied with life, because it is not strong fluctuations in one side or the other, i.e. the human stable enough, or he died.

Eternal remains the only attraction to the beauty, go to blog about Web design and understand: art never dies.

Posted on August 5, 2011 liked the article? leave your comment and subscribe to rss feeds.
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