Friday, February 10, 2012

LyricStatus: Because Expression through Lyrics Makes Facebook Easier


For some, Facebook is easy. As a social media society, we’ve abandoned our privacy, our ability to speak in complete sentence or use complete words, and our tendency towards any form of introversion. We want to encapsulate our moments, days, and lives into quick status updates that are intended to inform others of who we are and why we do what we do.

It all sounds very esoteric, but the goal is the exact opposite. We want to be understood by our friends and family, and Facebook has become the expression engine driving this desire. Sometimes, we simply need a little help. This is where music comes in.

It’s also where LyricStatus comes in.

“Ever misquoted lyrics or typed song lyrics out wrong?”  asked Ed Gain of LyricStatus Ltd. “Can be a bit embarrassing to make a heart-felt statement through lyrics on your Facebook status only to have everyone comment that you got it wrong! LyricStatus uses the official licensed lyrics where possible, so you can be sure the lyrics you quote are accurate.”

Bright LightsThe concept is simple. Find a song or a lyric that matches what you want to say in your status update. For my test, I used the song “Bright Lights” by Matchbox 20.

The interface allows you to search by song name or artist. As soon as I started typing, the options started narrowing down the results. Once I  was done typing the name of the song, it showed a list of songs of that title ordered alphabetically by artist.

LyricStatus HighlghtsSince it attaches directly to Facebook, one only needs to highlight the portion of the song they want to post. After highlighting the desired portion of the song that I wanted to post, a prompt appeared allowing me to post what I had selected directly to Facebook.

Users can customize their post before it’s live, adding further explanation or posting it directly to a friend’s wall.

Once live, it gives an accurate song quote with proper attribution and a link to the song lyrics themselves. There is normally a YouTube video on the lyrics page so people can listen to the song directly on LyricStatus.

Overall, this is a very clever service that can help people express their feelings, sentiment, or moods through song lyrics. It makes accuracy less of an issue.

“Lyrics have always played a part in social networking, even in the pre-Facebook era, sometimes taking the form of MSN screen names or MySpace titles,” Gain continued. “ looks set to encourage the trend on Facebook, with the added touch of leaving a link behind on your lyric status so that users can click to see what the actual song is that’s being quoted.”

As long as it doesn’t make us add MySpace bling to our Facebook pages, it should be an excellent free service.

About LyricStatus Ltd
LyricStatus is based in Portsmouth, United Kingdom, and was founded in the summer of 2010 by Ed Gain, 27, a former web design company owner. LyricStatus’ mission is to build the most complete and accurate database of lyrics and provide the best functionality for discovering and sharing lyrics.

View the original article here

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