Monday, March 5, 2012

What Would @CharlieSheen Tweet? - When I die I want Charlie Sheen's life to flash before my eyes.[Editor's note: I originally prepared this post before Charlie Sheen got on Twitter. I guess we don't have to wait any more - the real stuff is heads and shoulders above anything I could have come up with on my own.]

Almost four years ago (!) when Twitter began to hit a fever pitch coming out of SXSW Interactive, I found a post called What Would Jesus Twitter? Leaving aside that we now know the verb is "tweet," I attempted to jump-start a meme by creating my own (What Would Sherlock Holmes Twitter?) and tagged some other people to develop their own.

In the spirit of that, I jotted down a few thoughts on the plane back from Europe yesterday, blissfully unaware of the goings-on at the time.

What would @CharlieSheen tweet?

10. I need more roles like this:
9. My publicist must like Apocalypse Now too. I just heard him say "The horror! The horror!"
8. Chuck Norris is such a wuss. #tigerblood
7. You know that virulent bacteria strain at the Playboy Mansion? Guilty.
6. @Gaddafi, you need to more #winning. Follow me for lessons in public image.
5. The only drug I'm on is cocaine porn stars Charlie Sheen.
4. Those aren't porn stars. They're libido management specialists.
3. Hey Dior, I'm available as a spokesperson.
2. @EmilioEstevez You don't have any Mighty Ducks sequels I could appear in, do you?
1. I've been sober since noon.

Sheen's ascent on Twitter has been getting some headlines lately, including a Guinness World Record for "Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers." With his recent barrage of surprise press appearances - which caused his publicist to resign - he is clearly taking the tactic of bringing his message directly to the public.

Is this a dangerous practice for someone whose stability is questionable? What role does or should a public relations effort play with such a volatile client who is annexing social media platforms to get his message out? Are there wider lessons for clients in crisis mode?

And just for fun: what other outrageous statements do you think we'll see from @CharlieSheen? Please leave a comment below. Labels: crisis, news, PR

View the original article here

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