Most people get involved with Internet marketing believing that business will take place completely online. You don't have to go offline for advertising. You'll see success story after success story about Internet marketers who have made their fortunes completely online. But, there's also no denying that many offline marketing methods can be used to supplement your online marketing initiatives for even bigger profits. There is no other advertising method more effective for offline results than direct mail. Direct mail is a great way to open up your business to people who may not have known about it otherwise. If you're looking to make the most of your direct mail opportunity then you need to apply these tips right away.
It is okay to be creative and to break a few rules when you send out direct mail. Direct mail is, after all, a different medium than email. Doing direct mail can allow you the freedom to be more creative. You should try this! You could create an oddly shaped flyer. Why not use poetry instead of prose? You need to be creative when writing, not cheesy at all. A very fine line exists. It is important to test your creative ideas before sending it out to potential clients. Instead of being formal, your creative will stand out, setting you apart from everything else. Just don't be afraid to go outside of the proverbial box.
It's important to always remember that direct mail is all about testing. There is no set formula for getting people to actually read what you've written on the piece of paper you have sent to your recipients. These things tend to change frequently. Regardless, you do need to find some way to monitor the responses you receive from your direct mailing efforts so you know which ones are actually working. If you work on creating a few different versions of your message and then track the results coming in, you'll see which ones make people act. The information you gather can help you to write even stronger direct mails for your next campaign. We have said for a very long time that using the principle of testing is the intelligent way to build and become profitable.
This is a very easy concept that you should think about and examine your entire business operation especially as it pertains to listen to this podcast. We think most rank beginner courses about online marketing either do not mention testing at all or perhaps gloss over it.
Taking action is extremely important, always, but you need to take care about how you approach everything. You can set things up any way you want, and then just monitor what is happening and be prepared for what ever feedback occurs. If it is related to email marketing, then you take a small percentage of your list and perform a simple test.
The same with new tactics for your website or blog, perhaps try it on some of your pages but not all of them. Obviously, some type of script that will record test results will be needed.
Never send a single piece of direct mail without a follow up plan in place. You have two options available to you really. You can use a phone call to follow up or you can use a second direct mail letter. It's another way of showing that you really are dedicated to providing the best possible service. Obviously this is easier to do when you are sending your direct mail out in small batches at a time. This is something you can do that really is worth the effort.
You don't have to have a long "spiel" prepared just let the customer know you sent them something in the mail and ask their opinion. This is often what it takes to get a prospect to become a client.
The rumors of the death of direct mail have been greatly exaggerated.
Ignore anyone who tries to make that claim. The thing is that most people have forgotten all about it in search of shinier products that promise instant gratification. Direct mail is a highly profitable technique to use for boosting your business that still delivers and impressive return on investment.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Make More Money Using Direct Mail - Insider Tips
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