Sunday, July 29, 2012

Serious Landing Page Mistakes That Cost You Money

The lead capture page is very vital--if not the most important part of your company's website. It's the first page that your traffic will see as it flows in to your website. It is actually where you put the groundwork for achieving your goals and objectives. What, specifically, is a squeeze page? Squeeze pages could be anything that you would like them to be. You can use the page to gather email addresses before letting someone into your site to see the content. You could make it your sales page. You can have it be the first page of your weblog. This is the page that website traffic flows in to so you can introduce them to the rest of your venture. There's no limit to your flexibility. Of course, that implies that it's also possible to make many mistakes. Continue reading to learn what a few of the bigger mistakes there are to make with your webpage and the ways that you can avoid making them. 1. Making a wreck of your title. It is important for your title (also your headline) to in fact seize folks' interest. Headline and title writing are rather complicated. If you can manage to do so, work with a professional copywriter to assist you with this. In addition to making sure that your title/headline is straightforward, you should ensure that it's descriptive and compelling as well. If people do not like your headline there's no way that they are going to proceed to the rest of your content. They are going to just click out from the page. So work hard to make it right. 2. Lots of entrepreneurs are putting together squeeze pages that don't look or function any differently than the other pages that are on your website. If you are a personal blogger this is fine because the landing page is the first page of your blog site. When you are a business, however, you'll help yourself by using a completely different structure so that you can capture people's interest. 3. Don't try and overperform on your lead capture page. A lead capture page should have just one purpose. What that purpose is, is entirely your choice. When you're building a list, make the overall page about grabbing the person's information. If the purpose is to offer for sale a product, your landing page has to focus on that. If you ask too much of the site visitors flowing in to your web page, all that could happen is that they are going to become confused. The conversion ratio goes down as your readers aren't going to know what they should do first. This makes them quite a bit more likely to click away. 4. Never forget about very simple design strategies. For whatever reason, people feel that a squeeze page should be loud and fancy to ensure success. Don't yield to this, however tempting it might feel. If you aren't confident what to do with regards to a design, employ a professional designer to help you out. Just continue. Do not get lazy or slack off in terms of creating your squeeze page. Continue to keep working on it! Just about everybody who starts an online business goes through similar experiences; for example, there is a lot to be found about visit site but you need to be careful. You need to know the truth about that whole subject, and that is what you will find at buy Leo Trader Pro. Yes, we know tons of folks have struggled with this in the past, but that does not have to be. It is all right if you feel like you have wasted time, but you really have not because you know more than you did before.

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