Monday, April 9, 2012

These are the Social Media Marketing Dots You'll Want to Connect

Did you know that many online and off-line businesses have used social media marketing platforms for years, but there are still many that are untapped. The future of social media is looking very bright. There are so many aspects to this form of marketing that have not been fully utilized. This is very good news for large and small businesses alike. As you continue down this road, you'll learn new things and get to test out new strategies and techniques. For years to come, social media marketing will be around. It is something we must all embrace and learn to do.

While this may feel like old news to many of you, there are some for whom this is definitely worth repeating. You must have the social media icons or buttons on your site, and not only that but they must be clearly seen by all. Check out your favorite websites and see which icons are displayed on their sites. It isn't always the best choice to use the biggest available icons. You've probably seen the huge icons available and probably found them hard to take seriously. You may have to do some rearranging to make it all work just right, but it's what you have to do.

There are always businesses in the middle of Facebook contests. In addition, this would be the time to tell their Twitter followers about the contests that they are running on Facebook. Many times, you might think that legitimate businesses should not have these types of contests. This is not true because the biggest companies hold these all of the time. Your chances of winning the lottery are extremely low, but this does not mean that people are not playing them on a daily basis. It is because of hope that contests have a lot of leverage.

While you are marketing on Twitter, figure out to use your hash tags and keywords to your advantage. Some people use them too much, but learn not to do this. But it does not appear that Twitter punishes users for over doing it. Learn how to use your hash tags when you have products for sale or are running a contest. Also, by using hash tags, this sets up a very powerful communication system.

Always keep the concept of leverage fresh in your head as you continue to use social media for your business. You can use this to your advantage in many ways. But never forget that it is all about building relationships. Rapport and trust with your audience is critical for any social media effort to succeed.

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